2010 Custom E-Drums

2Box DrumIt Five Module
Roland RT Triggers
18" x 7" Tama Club Jam Bass drum
12" 2Box DrumIt Five SnarePad
14" x 7" Tama Club Jam floor Tom
12" x 5" Tama Club Jam Snare / Floor Tom
10" x 6.5" Tama Club Jam Tom Tom
10" x 4" Tama Mini-Tymp
8" x 4" Tama Mini-Tymp
Custom Zildjian Gen16 JMan 20" Ride
Custom Zildjian Gen16 JMan 14" Hi-Hats
Smartrigger 16" Crash Ride
Smartrigger 14" China
Smartrigger 13" Crash
Smartrigger 13 Crash
My electronic drum journey has spanned many decades and I embraced the concept fully.
From the early Roland drum machines in the 1980’s, through the majority of Roland TD kits from the TD-3 through to the TD-20 as well as Yamaha sets, I owned them all.
In 2008, I set up my own electronic drum retail company, ‘eDrum Attic’ which over the five years, grew to a renowned international company.
Long the way in 2010, I found an early 2Box DrumIt open sound drum system module and their sampled sounds in the module were so far beyond anything Roland was offering.
I purchased a full set and was so impressed I became an official retailer for the brand and by the end of year two, I was in the top 3 retailers of the brand.
By 2013, a shift in the market and a 3 week contract to Tour Manage Phil Collins’ son Simon changed everything.
That three week contract just kept extending and led to me managing Simon’s personal and professional career. Something had to give and I decided to close eDrum Attiic.
For a few years, I had used the DrumIt Five module (which I had modified) with a Mapex acoustic set with mesh heads and that kit saw me through three years of high level function band shows.
Over the years I have used many types of drums and cymbals with the module, but as of 2020, this is a set I am very happy with.
It gives me a mix of acoustic low volume cymbals with that real feel that trigger sampled cymbals and a smaller foot print ‘large’ set of seven drums and six cymbals.
It isn’t a replacement for an acoustic kit, It offers me something different and I have even recorded with it using Cubase.
A very nice set to have in the collection.